5 morning routines that inspire success

Many successful people have a specifically tailored morning routine that helps them hit the ground running rather than hitting the snooze button or fiddling with their phone. Whether you read the newspaper, spend time with family, meditate, exercise or do yoga, how you start the day can affect your mood and productivity through the day. Here are 5 things you can do in the morning to set yourself up for a great day.

            . 1.Burn Calories

This doesn’t mean you have to go through an intense exercise regime, it could be something as simple and calming as yoga. Exercise improves your brain’s functions, and helps you become healthier, happier and think clearer. It also allows you to combat stress. So it could be a great idea to start your day with a 10-minute session of running, dancing, or walking.

2. Reflect

Early mornings offer you the opportunity to sit and enjoy the morning calm. It might be the only time of the day where you can be alone with your thoughts. Use this time to reflect and map out your day so you can work efficiently towards your goals and to-dos.

3. Do Your Hardest Task First

Your willpower is at its peak in the morning. Take advantage of it by doing your hardest task first. You’ll find that you’re more likely to get it done and you’re more likely to finish it without getting distracted. Choose just one task and try completing it before you even leave the house in the morning

4. Get Motivated

Highly successful people get motivated first thing in the morning. They read books that help them grow and they watch videos for inspiration or even listen to motivational speakers. Just 15 minutes of consuming inspiring and beneficial content in the morning can set you up for a successful day.

5. Be Thankful

Write down at least one thing you’re thankful for every day. Learn to count and appreciate the small wins. Research suggests that writing down things you’re grateful for has a range of impressive benefits including better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, and happiness. By recording your blessings, you’ll become more open to optimism and improve your outlook in life.


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